Wednesday, December 15, 2010

An Open Comment to Time Magazine and Mr. Zuckerberg

Dear Time Magazine,

Your selection for "person of the year" saddens me. I do not intend to diminish his contributions to society----or his professional success. Certainly his efforts and accomplishments are praiseworthy. But, in light of the humanitarian efforts put forth by Gates and Buffet this year, and the economic stability that the country is now beginning to see as a result of those with political power, and the various celebrities who have used their star power to bring attention to various diseases (like cancer or Parkinson’s), the various relief efforts (like Haiti), or various social causes (like gay rights), it is my humble opinion that there are other more qualified parties worthy of this honor and Time Magazine's praise. If Mr. Zuckerberg has any sense of civic responsibility or appreciation for those whose efforts and contributions to the betterment of man have surpassed his own, it is my hope that he will politely decline the honor via Time Magazine’s next issue---thereby encouraging Time Magazine to correct their oversight. Again, my intent is not downplay any of his efforts or success---he has achieved far more before age 30 than I will achieve in my entire lifetime; rather, I submit only that there are individuals who have done more for their fellow man, and I believe that their efforts might have been unintentionally overlooked. If you agree with the views expressed in this open comment, please consider posting it to your Facebook.

Cris Broyles

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